Like many of you, with the Covid-19 pandemic, I found myself revaluating life. It wasn’t just the wear and tear of the pandemic. Lack of balance in my life had finally taken its toll on my body and mentally exhausted me. I had achieved career success and academic success. I began running around the age of 40 and built up my abilities from zero skill to completing three marathons after 40.
My journey to a different and more fulfilling life had taken a turn to over focus on achievement. I was ticking those boxes; it drove me to life becoming unbalanced. I’d spend 16 hours a day at my desk for several years between work and school. At the end of school, while I was proud of my accomplishment, I felt lifeless.

I started on a new journey, finding the balance between mind, body, and soul. Being present again in relationships I’d neglected for years. I have discovered fulfillment in taking action to make a difference in the lives of others.
In a recent conversation with someone in my inner circle, we both agreed that at some point, we no longer needed to prove to ourselves we were worthy based on our achievements. It was time to stop, slow down, enjoy life simply by “being.”
Switching from a life based on achievement to living a life based on gratitude has become my path forward.
Today I am grateful for the view from my window; to simply be with peace and serenity of the woods the universe has blessed me with.